Custom and Self-Build is not a new idea. In the 18th century, Bath’s iconic Royal Crescent was custom-built; one architect designed the frontage, whilst each plot owner commissioned their own architect to design a bespoke home behind.
Custom and Self-Build is being strongly promoted by Government. However, the UK is well behind other European nations when it comes to the number of end-user commissioned homes being built (more than 80% of new homes are built this way in Austria compared to about 10% in the UK) so it’s no surprise it feels risky and unfamiliar.
There are national organisations such as NaCSBA to help you understand the process and connect you with networks of professionals and likeminded individuals.
We’ve also created a Custom and Self-Build factsheet, which you can download here, to explain more about the process and the advantages of going down this route. There is also a bit more information on our website.
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