We appointed civil and highway engineer Canham Consulting to undertake a transport assessment and to assess traffic flow along Chiddingly Road in light of our proposed development and other likely developments coming forward.
The detailed modelling of future traffic flows demonstrated there will be minimal traffic impact on the wider highway network.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, traffic is likely to be atypical, so we based our assessment on traffic counts from the previous year submitted as part of other recent applications.
We are also proposing minor improvements to Chiddingly Road, adjacent to our site: a new footway to the north of our site entrance along the southern side of Chiddingly Road, connecting to the existing footway on the northern side of Chiddingly Road via a new pedestrian crossing. This will provide a safe walking route to the village and the local primary school.
We’ve discussed all our plans with East Sussex County Council, acting as the Highway Authority, and they are content with the conclusions.
More detail is available in the Transport Assessment submitted as part of our planning application.
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